We all have an impact. What we say and do and not say and not do sends signals to others. As a leader, what we signal is noticed, so it is important to be intentional about that.

What impact are you having on your team? Are you the leader that others want to follow?

People follow leaders who are:

– clear about who they are and what can be expected of them
– clear about their expectations
– clear about their purpose
– as transparent as they can be
– share their knowledge and information
– connect people to others and resources
– show that they care
– provide clear, candid and supportive feedback
– acknowledge what is going well
– create psychological safety

This all requires the leader to

– know who they are, their values, and what they stand for.
– walk their talk, follow through, and own their own mistakes
– have a strong sense of purpose and not be rattled by failure or caught up by ego, not blame others
– roll up their sleeves and support the path forward
– embrace the suck (Brene Brown) regardless of the circumstances, and get going as part of the solution

I have seen leaders hold power over others, keep people separated, blame others, and triangulate people – effectively, pitting them against each other, hiring and firing people when things aren’t going well, and not take on accountability for their true role – to move the organization forward in a positive manner and along a positive trajectory.


I have seen leaders go out of their way to stand for their values, their team, and the organization’s life. They do the uncomfortable things it takes to ensure that their organizational dynamics are healthy, engaging, welcoming new ideas, and positively forward moving.

What type of impact do you want to make? Do you want to be a leader who others want to follow and do so gladly, responsibly and productively?

If you’re interested in talking about how executive and leadership coaching can support you to shift towards or hone your skills at being a leader that others want to follow, please book an exploration session with me.