This Summer, I had the opportunity to take The Daring Way ™ national training based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown*. I, along with 150 others, went through a highly experiential training that was pivotal in moving from the scarcity culture to what is called wholehearted living. Living applies to all areas of our lives. Since this training, I have noticed myself and my training cohorts showing up in life and business in a much different way. I am daring to enter arenas that I had avoided and increasing my visibility through meetings, networking, presenting, and volunteering … in essence, daring to say ‘Yes!’ much more to life!

I am passionate about getting to the heart of matters with clients be it with their business, life or health or a combination thereof. When we bring our authentic selves to our whole lives, we offer so much more than we know. In being vulnerable, by stepping in and being seen for who we are rather than who we think we should be, we model that possibility for others. They can be vulnerable with us. They feel safer, more engaged, and more likely to share ideas and experiences than they ever have before. This, in a sense, is true freedom … to be ourselves knowing that we are perfect in our imperfection.

The power of this work is immeasurable. The research behind it is extensive and the data has been gathered for over a decade. Dr. Brené Brown’s viral TED Talk may be found here: (over 17,000,000 views). The impact for people is profound and positively, life changing.

I am now a The Daring Way ™ Facilitator-Candidate and offer tailored one-on-one and group programs weaving in this training for business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals wishing to bring more of their authentic selves to their life and business, and who care to dare to enter new arenas or the same arenas in a new way. If you are curious or interested, I would love to discuss this further with you!


The Daring Way ™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of
Dr. Brené Brown. The method was designed for work with individuals, couples,
families, work teams, and organizational leaders. It can be facilitated in clinical,
educational, and professional settings. During the process we explore topics
such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. We examine the thoughts,
emotions, and behaviors that are holding us back and we identify the new choices
and practices that will move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living. The
primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices
that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.

Further information is available at

