Social connection is one of our most important human needs.

Contribution is also important to us as human beings. Contribution is ‘something that is given to help a person, a cause, etc.’ or ‘something that is done to cause something to happen.’

Making a difference is a form of contribution … ie, ‘doing something to cause something to happen.’ Contribution is actually a way to increasing our social connection.

In addition, in the modified Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the top new tip of the pyramid is the need for Self-Transcendance, ‘to connect to something beyond the ego or to help others find self-fulfillment and realize their potential’. Self-Transcendance is a type of contribution – ie, making a difference which is beyond ourselves and that helps others.

Hmmmmm … why else? You are the only you that can make your unique difference. It feels great to make a positive difference. It creates a win-win scenario, positive for everybody involved. It feels right.

So ‘why make a difference’? To sum it up, it ties in with:

  1. Social Connection;
  2. Contribution;
  3. Self-Transendance;
  4. Offering what we uniquely have to offer;
  5. Creating a win-win; and
  6. It feels right to make a positive difference!

That’s plenty of reason to pay attention and consciously discover your difference, make an impact, and change your world.

With encouragement,

Jamie Davidoff, BComm
Professional Certified Coach
Spark Success Coaching