I am eagerly anticipating three exciting January 2015 events:  (1)   an upcoming The Daring Way TM for Leaders retreat: (2)  The Daring Way TM 3 Day Intensive; and (3)  the Wellness Expo at CPS.  In preparing, I have been reviewing the materials by Brené Brown and, in particular, the 10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living.

At this time of year, time flies.  In addition to our normal schedule, we often have events and parties to attend and preparations such as decorating, preparing for guests or travel, and purchasing gifts to do.  There can be a feeling of having to live up to certain ideals and deadlines.  This can leave us feeling somewhat overwhelmed and anxious.

I am taking some lessons from my learning through The Daring Way TM and consciously applying the Guideposts for Wholehearted Living.

Firstly, I am focusing on `Authenticity`.  For me, this means that the importance of the holidays is about being together with family and friends without the need for large gift exchanges.  I am focusing on creating and enjoying these opportunities for connection.  My brother and his family are joining us for pre-Christmas, our children and their significant others are with us for Christmas, and we have yet more family for New Year’s.  Visits with friends will occur throughout.  The focus will be on the gift of connection rather than the exchange of an over-abundance of material items.

My second focus is on ‘Gratitude and Joy“ rather than ‘Scarcity and Fear of the Dark , meaning feeling lack of not doing enough, being enough, or having enough.  We are all perfect beings within our imperfection and so I am free to be me with others rather than scurrying around trying to make everything perfect.  This allows me to relax into our visits and be present to our interactions.

Between now and the leadership retreat, in addition to the 2 Guideposts above, I will be writing about the additional 8 Guideposts and hope you will stay tuned and try some of these on for yourself for a joyous holiday and new year experience.   Below, all 10 are listed:

10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living and Leading by Brené Brown:
1. Cultivate Authenticity – Let go of what people think about you
2. Cultivate Self-Compassion – Let go of perfectionism
3. Cultivate a Resilient Spirit – Let go of numbing and powerlessness
4. Cultivate Gratitude and Joy – Let go of scarcity and fear of the dark
5. Cultivate Intuition and Trusting Faith – Let go of the need for certainty
6. Cultivate Creativity – Let go of comparison
7. Cultivate Play and Rest – Let go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self-worth
8. Cultivate Calm and Stillness – Let go of anxiety as a lifestyle
9. Cultivate Meaningful Work – Let go of self-doubt and “supposed to”
10. Cultivate Laughter, Song, and Dance – Let go of being cool and “always in control”

Which of the Guideposts would give you the greatest gift right now?

To learn more about the 10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living, read Brené Brown’s book:  ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’ or come experience them through the lens of leadership in our January leadership retreat with Jenn Lofgren and me or the 3 day intensive with Sherry Matheson and me.  To find out more about the leadership retreat, visit http://incito.ca/daringleadership, or for the 3 day intensive, contact me atjamie@sparksuccess.com  or call (403) 209-5936.

Dates for these 2 upcoming events:

  • January 16-18, 2015 – The Daring Way TM for Leaders RETREAT – The Crossing, Ghost River, AB
  • January 23-25, 2015 – The Daring Way TM INTENSIVE  (daytime only) for all – Calgary, AB

Wishing you a joyous holiday season!

