Now that many of us are working from home, there is more time than ever to check news, social media and other resources to stay in tune with emerging trends of our COVID-19 pandemic.  There is much available to read and on which to ponder. However, so much information can become distracting or overwhelming and take us away from our focus.

At any time, as well as in these uncertain times, where we choose to focus our time, energy and resources is important.  There is the saying that “we get what we focus on.” What do you want to be able to say, when you look back on this time, about how you led and what your were able to create despite the challenges?  How does your answer to that question inform your focus?

Here are some tips to support focus on the things that are truly meaningful to you as a leader:

  1. Ask yourself and write out your answer to the following questions: 
    • “Once we are through this, what do I want to be able to say about how I conducted myself, spent my time, and practiced leadership?  
    • What did I choose to focus on and what impact did that create?”
  2. Daily:
    • Have a written agenda for your business day.
    • Schedule out your business day with time-specific items – eg, team meetings, 1 on 1 meetings, stakeholder check-in’s, strategic review and adjustments.
    • As part of the agenda and schedule, add in an item about checking on new, relevant COVID-19 news.  Choose specifically what credible source of news you will use as your means to stay updated and stick to those.
    • Stick to your schedule to leave time for self-care and reflection, family-time, catching up with friends, and other important non-work activities.
  3. Continue to focus on what you can do, what is possible, what information is relevant and helpful to you, and what impact that you want to make.

What you do now will create your future.  Be clear on your mission, create a strategy to meet that mission, and focus and act in alignment with these.  People will see you, have clear purpose and direction from you, and be more likely to be engaged themselves.

Let me know how I can support you.  To connect, email me at

Yours in leading through new times,


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