How many times have you set goals for the year ahead only to have them preempted by something else that seemed more important?  Were your goals “have to’s” or “need to’s” or “should’s”? We are much more likely to progress if we base our goals on things that have internal motivation or significance for us and that we “want” versus what we “should” do.

This past Christimas, Santa brought me a journal.  The journal starts by asking what my desired story is and, then, what my current story is.  In defining these, the process creates the gap between where I am and where I want to be. I can then determine small steps that will move me towards my desired story.  It makes doing something new much more worthwhile than if I felt I had to do something.

This aligns with my annual year of the word exercise which I have been doing for 9 years.  The word of the year is my intention for the year. It helps me to stay focused on what I want for myself.  It is easy to recall and keep at top of mind. Further, I take the word of the year and create a vision board which I keep in sight in my office.  This visually reinforces the message of the intention for me.

Things that are forward moving and that we keep at top of mind help us to make decisions in the moment that support our desired future when things are going well and when things have gotten off track.  Life sometimes flows well and sometimes brings the unexpected. Having an intention, a quick word or phrase that we can quickly recall, helps us refocus and keep progressing over the long run.

What is your intention for 2022?  How can you describe it in one word or phrase?  Comment below and create an echo of your intention in the world.

Happy New Year!  Wishing for you a 2022 that is even better than you could have imagined!


Copyright @ Spark Success Coaching Inc. 2021