You have a vision or personal manifesto. What’s next?

From last week’s blog, Create Your Personal Manifesto, you now have a clearer idea of what you want. What next? “Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you are dreaming.” – Alice Walker

To know what to do in the present, it can help to work backwards to develop a map to get from where you are to where you want to be. The map will indicate what steps you could consider now to get you to where you want to go. The map is typically a spreadsheet (taken from Real Balance Global Wellness Systems). I use Excel. You could also draw it on a piece of paper and add some more creative elements.  (Click here to email me and request a blank form of the Map spreadsheet.)

Here are the steps:

  1. At front and centre, at the top of the page, is your Personal Manifesto … your big WHY.
  2. Underneath, create a table with 7 columns across.
  3. Next, pick 2-3 focus areas that will support you in living your Personal Manifesto or vision. (Note them in Column 1)
  4. For each focus area, what are 1-3 steps to take in each area. (Note them in Column 3)
  5. Of those steps in 3 above, what are you ready for? (Rate from 1 to 5 how ready you are for each, 1 being the highest. Note each rating in Column 2 to the left of the listed action steps.)
  6. Choose which action steps you will take in the next week.
  7. For each of these chosen action steps, what are the indicators of success for each step? (Note these in Column 4)
  8. What support do you need? Who? (Note these in Column 5)
  9. How will you hold yourself accountable? (Note these in Column 6)
  10. How will you celebrate? (Note these in Column 7)


Now, take action with the action steps that you indicated you were ready for! Once those are done, celebrate!  Then, revisit the other action steps and see what you are ready for next or revise them, again create indicators of success, accountability, and celebration points. This is a living document. You add to it as you are ready and modify it as is supportive.

Click here to email me and request a blank form of the Map spreadsheet.

Here’s to planning,
